The Honor Flight Austin mission is to transport veterans with a specific priority to Washington, D.C. to visit their memorials dedicated to honor their service and sacrifices and return them home to their families and loved ones.
Honor Flight #53
William "Bill" Kolbe Memorial Flight
September 28-29, 2018
Reserved for Hays County Veterans
"The Honor Flight Austin family was saddened at the passing of one of our nation’s World War II heroes and member of the “Greatest Generation” – Army Air Corps SGT Mr. William “Bill” Kolbe. He will be remembered for his strong faith in God, someone who loved his family, and was well respected throughout the community.
Our deepest sympathies to Mr. Kolbe’s family and friends on the loss of their loved one and we appreciate all that Mr. Kolbe's son Del does for our organization in honor and memory of his father." - HFA
40 Veterans from WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War were flown to Washington, DC where they were honored at the WWII Memorial.
William's son, daughter, and wife attended in his beloved memory.
Honor Flight
William "Bill" Kolbe
September 5, 2014
Texas-Located WWII Veterans
36 Veterans from WWII were flown to Washington, DC in which they visited the National Memorials for World War Two, Vietnam, and Korean War.
The mission of Honor Flight Austin is to transport eligible veterans to Washington D.C. to visit those memorials dedicated to honor their service and sacrifices, and return them home to their families and loved one.
Honor Flight Flight #94
October 25-28, 2024
On October 25th and 26th, Kolbe Family Foundation founders Del and Jill had the honor of serving as Guardians on Honor Flight Austin’s Flight #94. This remarkable journey brought together two WWII veterans, three Korean War veterans, and forty-two Vietnam veterans for an all-expenses-paid “Trip of a Lifetime” to Washington, D.C.
Upon arriving in D.C., the veterans were treated to a heartfelt banquet, where many shared their stories of service—some speaking about their experiences for the first time in decades, surrounded by fellow heroes. The group then toured the Memorials on the Washington Mall, a powerful experience for all who attended. A highlight of the trip was a special Changing of the Guard ceremony and wreath-laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a poignant tribute honoring all who served.
As the veterans boarded the flight home, they received a surprise “Mail Call” – each veteran received dozens of handwritten messages and letters, expressing gratitude for their service and a heartfelt “Welcome Home.” Upon landing back in Austin, over 5,000 supporters gathered at the airport to greet the veterans with cheers, applause, and pride—a boisterous homecoming filled with appreciation.
This was Del’s 11th Honor Flight as a veteran and guardian, and he shared that each journey is as inspiring, enlightening, and deeply moving as the last. Kolbe Family Foundation is profoundly grateful to help make these meaningful experiences possible for our nation’s heroes.